Privacy Policy

1.1 Policy Statement
SHENIT is committed to protecting your personal information and respects your right to privacy. We are bound by the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 and comply with the Australian Privacy Principles and the Information Privacy Principles contained in these acts. These principles govern the way in which SHENIT collects, uses, discloses, stores, manages and allows access to personal information.
We consider personal information to be confidential, and we will only disclose it when necessary for our day-to-day operations. We handle personal information we collect in accordance with the Acts, and where applicable, in accordance with the employee records exemption and the related bodies corporate exemption in the Australian Privacy Act.
SHENIT may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. This Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction with any other privacy or collection statement that SHENIT may provide to you when it collects your personal information or provides a particular product or service, and the terms and conditions of use that govern your access and use of the SHENIT website ( or any other website owned or operated by SHENIT, SHENIT products and SHENIT services.
By using SHENIT products and services and accessing any SHENIT website (whether by mobile phone, PC, tablet or any other means), you are deemed to agree to the provisions of this Privacy Policy. You may request more information about the way SHENIT manages the personal information it holds by contacting the SHENIT Privacy Officer in Australia or New Zealand using any of the contact details below.
1.2 What personal information does SHENIT collect from you?
SHENIT collects the personal information it needs from customers (and potential customers) to provide them with products, services and information. We also collect personal information that is required for our business operations, such as personal information about employees, contractors and suppliers.
SHENIT generally collects personal information directly from you when you interact with us in person, by telephone, email, facsimile, post and over the internet. However, our customers, suppliers or affiliates may also provide personal information about third parties to us. The following are examples of the ways that personal information may be collected by SHENIT.
1.2.1 Accessing our website
If you visit our website, we may automatically collect information about you and your visit, including the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your device to the internet, among other information such as the webpages visited. This is used to monitor website performance and improve the experience of visitors to our website. Our website may also download "cookies" to your device, which may be changed at your discretion.
1.2.2 Social media interactions
Any interactions made with SHENIT through social media platforms may provide us access to certain information, such as any past interactions via other social networks. We make reasonable efforts to ensure that social media providers have permission from you to allow us to access certain information, and it is the social media provider’s responsibility to control how your personal information is collected and handled. Our website may use plugins of social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, and using any of these plugins will establish a direct connection between your browser and the sites of the respective social media networks. As this transfer takes place directly between your browser and the respective network, SHENIT does not have any access, knowledge or control over any data sent or the use of this data within the respective social media networks, and any content made available on such networks are excluded from this Privacy Policy.
Using social media networks and sharing content on these platforms is subject to the policies of the respective operators, which are not covered by this Privacy Policy. We encourage you to read the privacy policies and terms and conditions of your social media service providers to understand how they handle your personal information.
1.2.3 Third party links and web-based platforms
Our website may contain links to third party websites that are not affiliated with SHENIT. If you access any third party links, we are not responsible for how these third parties will process your personal information and they are excluded from this Privacy Policy. We may also make web-based platforms available to our partners and suppliers, and this Privacy Policy will apply to any personal information collected during the registration process and/or use of such platforms.
1.2.4 Electronic communications, on-premises, and other sources
We may record all email exchanges, telephone conversations, or other forms of electronic communication with our employees through our information technology systems, which may also include the content of the communication. We will inform you if telephone conversations or video calls are recorded. When you visit our premises, we may use closed circuit TV systems and other security and access management systems that collect certain information about your visit for security and safety purposes. We may also collect information from third party data providers or publicly available sources.
1.3 Purposes of personal information collection
We may collect, store, and use your personal information for the following purposes:
To operate, manage, develop and promote our business, products, and services, and transactions related to the organization you represent (if any), including marketing purposes, warranty processes, product compliance processes, accounting, billing and payment purposes, administration of our website and premises, and provision of requested services or information.To inform and update you on relevant products or services that may be of interest to you or enable you to participate in our online assessments and surveys.To manage and maintain relationships with our investors and for recruiting activities.
1.4 Compliance with data breach notification requirements
We will comply with the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017 in Australia and the notifiable privacy breaches scheme under the Privacy Act 2020 in New Zealand in relation to any suspected or actual eligible data breach, including investigating any suspected breach and notifying the relevant individuals and the relevant Privacy Commissioner as required.
1.5 Complaints and inquiries
If you have any concerns or complaints about how we handle your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 14 days and use our best endeavors to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with our response, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner in Australia or the Office of the Privacy Commissioner in New Zealand to further investigate your complaint

SHENIT acknowledges all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Traditional Custodians of Country and recognises their continuing connection to land, sea, culture, and community. We pay our respects to Elders past and present.